A great deal of research is currently underway to try and explore the hidden health benefits of cannabidiol-CBD in humans. The same, however, can’t be said of research on CBD’s effects on pets. But still, it hasn’t kept pet owners from feeding CBD to their pets.
Going by the results, CBD has proven beneficial for pets. It can help alleviate and prevent anxiety, poor appetite, convulsions, arthritis, stress, inflammation, and the spread of cancer among numerous other diseases in pets. It can serve both as a treatment for an ailing pet or as a simple daily supplement.
This is good news for pet lovers and owners who want to extend the same benefits they get from ingesting CBD to their pets, says a study done by https://petsho.com.
But along with all these benefits comes specific shortcomings or side effects that your pet may experience.
If you are thinking about giving your pet CBD oil, you should click here for some CBD pros and cons as well as some tips on what you should know.
But First, What is CBD?
The hemp plant contains several compounds inside it. Of all these, two compounds particularly stand out due to their effect on humans and pets. They include Cannabidiol-CBD and Tetrahydrocannabinol-THC.
Tetrahydrocannabinol is loved for its psychoactive effects while Cannabidiol is favored for its limitless health benefits in humans and pets.
For pets, CBD oil is immensely beneficial. But you shouldn’t feed your pets on anything that contains THC because it has been found to have toxic effects on them.
What You Should Know About Giving CBD to Pets
As a pet owner, it is easy to get carried away and join the CBD oil for pets bandwagon. But note that this is a type of treatment like any other. In order for you and your pet to reap the benefits, you must be careful.
Here are some important details that you should keep in mind before introducing your pets to CBD.
Not All CBD Products Are the Same
When you have to choose between a lower quality CBD oil and a higher quality organic CBD oil for cats with anxiety, always choose the organic product. Organic products are safer, they work faster and have longer-lasting effects on your dog.
Plus, they don’t contain fungicides, pesticides or solvents that are bound to have negative effects on your pets’ health.
Don’t Shop Based on the Price
In some countries where the hemp used to make CBD products is imported from, it is ok to use genetic modification, herbicides, heavy metals, pesticides and other chemicals on the plants. This, in a bid to make them grow faster and keep them free of pests and common plant diseases.
CBD oil from this imported hemp, therefore, contains lower levels of purity and sells at much cheaper prices.
Hemp that is grown in countries where there are stringent growing and manufacturing processes sells at significantly higher prices. This is because it contains no additives, or chemicals and has no toxic effects on pets.
Introduce CBD Gradually
Animals react differently to CBD products. Some may experience no side effects, others may show mild signs of the treatments’ effect and others may fall sick as a result. To be on the safe side, how about introducing the CBD little by little?
If, for example, you bought CBD for your dog’s anxiety in the form of oil, pills or treats, divide them into smaller manageable pieces and give them to your dog.
Watch the dog for any adverse signs or reactions. If need be, rush them to the hospital for immediate treatment.
CBD Pros and Cons
There’s little scientific research published to help figure out exactly how helpful CBD is for pets.
But the numerous pet owners who’ve tried it can attest to its increased effectiveness in treating some common health conditions in their cats, dogs, and other animals.
Below is a look at some CBD pros and cons you should know about:
Pros of CBD
CBD offers a number of benefits to pets. Some of these benefits include:
- It helps treat and reduce chronic pain.
- It helps control and cure seizures.
- It helps regulate heart rate and is necessary for a healthy heart.
- It contains anti-inflammatory properties.
- It helps increase appetite.
- It fights against anxiety and other neurological issues in pets.
- It helps ease cancer symptoms. It can also to stop cancer cell growth/regeneration.
- It helps alleviate bowel disorders.
- It helps reduce sleep disorders.
- It offers relief from nausea and vomiting.
While CBD products for pets have lots of good in store for your four-legged sidekicks, if you administer it the wrong way, you risk causing your pet great pain and inconvenience.
It is imperative to know how much your pet weighs. This, because you should administer CBD according to your cat or your dogs’ weight. The amount of CBD you give to a larger dog is not the same amount you should give to your smaller sized dog or cat.
The larger the pet, the more CBD they need, the smaller the pet the smaller the dose of CBD they should get if you want them to reap the positive benefits as listed above.
Cons of CBD
Despite the above-highlighted benefits, CBD can have some negative effects of CBD on pets. These effects include:
- Dry mouth: irrespective of how particular you were about the amount of CBD you gave your pet, you still may notice that they will get very thirsty. If it’s a dog, for example, you’ll notice that they produce less saliva owing to its decreased production. In this case, it is advisable to give them as much water as possible at least until the side effect fades away.
- Reduced blood pressure: your pet may start walking funny or may stand still unable to move their leg forward. This happens due to lightheadedness brought about by the slight drop in blood pressure after feeding CBD to your pet. If this happens to your pet, don’t worry, but make sure that they are comfortable. Usually, the feeling of lightheadedness is brief and tends to wear off in a matter of minutes.
- Drowsiness: even the best organic CBD oil for dogs used to combat anxiety can cause drowsiness. The higher the dose the stronger and longer your pet is likely to experience drowsiness as a side effect.
FAQs about CBD for Pets
Wondering where to find reliable answers? Here are some common questions pet owners ask and their answers.
Is CBD Oil for Pets the Same as CBD Oil for Humans?
It is normal to see pet owners giving their own CBD oil to their cats or dogs to see if it has the same effects. While there are no life-threatening dangers involved, it is always advisable to offer your pet CBD oil supplements designed only for animals.
Is It Legal to Give CBD to My Pets?
There are two types of CBD, one that comes from the Marijuana plant variety and another that comes from the hemp plant variety.
Majority of countries like Canada, for example, have legalized the use of CBD extracted from the hemp plant. They, however, do not allow the use of CBD oil from marijuana to be used either on pets or humans.
On condition that the hemp-derived CBD for your pet has THC content below 0.3% and was grown by a licensed grower/ supplier then it is perfectly legal to feed it to your pets.
Should I Seek Permission from The Vet Before Giving CBD to My Pets?
Owing to the uncertainty of your pets’ health condition before offering them CBD it is advisable to first call or visit the vet.
Here, your pets will get full medical checkups before you can give them any form of treatment/medication including CBD.
In addition, you will get clear instructions on how much, in regard to CBD dosage, you should give your pets and the schedule to follow.
Most vets in states where CBD is legal can dispense CBD products for pets to their patients. They can guide you on the type of CBD to use, advise you on the proper storage methods and tell you what CBD side effects to expect.
Is CBD Safe for My Pets?
The use of CBD on pets is quite recent. There’s a lot of ongoing research and studies to try and see how safe CBD is for pets.
While some pet owners swear by its benefits, there are a good number of pet owners who’ve also come out to banish its use on pets.
It all goes back to administration and dosage depending on your pet size and the illness your pet is suffering from. Each pet is different and as such, it is your proper use of CBD products on your pets that will determine whether or not it is safe.
Are There Any Risks Associated with CBD for Pets?
You shouldn’t introduce CBD to your pets if the same pets are already on some other medication.
CBD is capable of interacting with other medications which could result in more serious health issues. The interactions coupled with CBD side effects could prove detrimental to your pets’ health.
Another common risk is TCH contamination. Purchasing products from unlicensed growers and suppliers means that proper methods weren’t followed from the growing stages to the processing stages.
If you give your pet this substandard CBD product you risk exposing them to high amounts of THC. You could easily end up losing your pet.
When Should You Stop Giving CBD to Your Pet?
Notice any adverse reactions such as distress, difficulty breathing or any other unusual behavior not listed as part of the side effects?
There are numerous CBD pros and cons. But if you suspect that your pet is not taking it well, visit the vet and get proper diagnosis and treatment.
To find out more about how countries like Canada are coping with the legalization of marijuana, check out our blog.