A facelift is a popular procedure that many individuals choose to enhance or restore their facial appearance. Both men and women have used facelifts to create a tighter appearance around the face and neck that can reduce drooping or sagging skin. Since the invention of the facelift, there are now less invasive options such as the mini facelift.
What Is A Full Facelift?
A full facelift procedure as well as a mini facelift procedure is designed to create a natural, youthful look. Full facelifts are not permanent and last approximately ten years. One of the many reasons some individuals prefer a mini facelift to a full facelift is the procedure itself. A mini facelift is considered far less invasive.
A full facelift is considered a cosmetic surgical procedure and can reduce sagging and drooping from the cheeks and jawline. By using this type of surgery, the shape of a face can shift. A facelift involves lifting the skin on each side of the face so it can be physically lifted for surgical alterations.
Recovery Breakdown For A Full Facelift
Recovery time for a full facelift can take weeks. During this time, significant bruising and swelling can occur. Recovering from a full facelift requires different stages of healing. Depending on the individual, severity may vary.
Immediately after a full facelift, many patients feel drowsy and sometimes experience dizziness. It is important to let somebody else drive when going home. During this time, pain medication is prescribed to alleviate discomfort.
During the first week, rest is crucial. Pain medication may still be used at this point which can hinder driving ability but may make it easier to sleep. By the end of the week, pain medication may be discontinued.
It is common for individuals to still have noticeable bruising and swelling during the second week. Numbness and tingling have also been reported during this time. It usually takes approximately three to four weeks for the healing process to really take effect. The swelling should be under control by this point and many people are able to resume their regular activities.
What Is A Mini Facelift?
A mini facelift is also frequently referred to as the “weekend facelift”. This is because the recovery time is much shorter as the procedure itself is less invasive. Mini facelifts also reduce drooping or sagging skin around the cheeks, neck, and jawline, but do not require general anesthesia.
A mini facelift can tighten the skin, creating a smoother and more youthful appearance. Like a full facelift, these facelifts can physically contour the face, shifting its shape in a flattering position. By tightening the lower jawline, jowls can be eliminated and the neck can look smoother. “Double chins” can also be removed during this procedure.
The mini facelift provides a natural-looking facial appearance. Because less tissue is removed, there is a minimal incision and local anesthesia can be used.
What Does The Recovery Time Look Like?
The mini facelift procedure is much shorter than a full facelift. Because of the use of local anesthesia, the procedure is also much safer. Recovery time for an individual undergoing a mini facelift is generally much shorter than a full facelift because it is less invasive. In addition to its natural-look, a mini facelift is usually preferred for its ease.
Since local anesthesia is used, a patient can be fully conscious. This type of anesthesia is used in minor surgery and is often preferred for its safety. Because local anesthesia does not put the body under the same type of stress as general anesthesia, fewer drugs are needed and the procedure can be performed at a much faster pace.
Oral pain medication can be discontinued after just a few days depending on the individual’s preference. This can be hugely beneficial for many patients as pain medication can be addictive. Certain types of pain medication can be potentially addicting to anyone if they are used for a long period of time. By cutting back on prescription pain medication, there is less risk for dependence during recovery time.
A quick recovery period means patients are also more likely to return to work at an earlier date. Depending on the job, many people can return to work after only one week. This amount of time gives any potential bruising or swelling time to heal. Those who interact with clients on a regular basis may prefer to stay home while potential bruising continues to heal, but pain can frequently be managed with over-the-counter medication such as Tylenol or Advil. Many people feel physically able to return to work after just a few days.
Benefits Of The Mini Facelift
The full facelift is a well-known procedure. Since it has been around longer than the mini facelift, many people assume the full facelift is their only option. Both a full facelift and a mini facelift are effective methods for creating a youthful facial appearance, but a mini facelift is considered much easier.
Since a mini facelift does not require the same amount of incisions, it is a less invasive procedure. Just like a full facelift, a board-certified dermatological or plastic surgeon will perform the procedure in a professional setting with anesthesia. Because general anesthesia is not necessary, it is often considered much safer.
The recovery time is dramatically shorter than a full facelift. Instead of taking approximately three to four weeks to recoup, an individual can heal from a mini facelift in half the time. This is especially beneficial for those who have to work or do not have the ability to rest for weeks on end. Like full facelifts, it will still address sagging skin around the nose, ears, mouth, and jawline.
Facelifts do not have to require long recovery times with potentially addictive prescription pain medications. By opting for a mini facelift, you can receive safe, professional care that will create a youthful-looking face for years to come. The options for plastic surgery have increased over time. To better understand the various types of plastic and facial surgery available, please visit the New York Center for Facial Plastic Surgery.