Is your closet feeling cluttered? Do you have to move several items to reach the one you were originally looking for? If you are running out of room in your closet, the solution doesn’t have to be a bigger closet. You may just need to think about utilizing some organizing techniques to give yourself more room to maneuver your clothes, shoes, and accessories.
Use multiple types of storage within your closet
You can combine things to give yourself more room for items in your closet. Consider moving shoes to a shoe rack that hangs on the door or using bins and boxes to store items that you want to keep in the closet but do not use as often as other items of clothing. Cubbies are a great idea when you are looking to add more space to your closet, as they are able to hold folded clothes as well as other items that take up more room than you would like in your closet space. Hanging organizers are also a good option, as they save room by using wall space that is often left empty. Cubbies, containers, and organizers can be subdivided even further to hold and sort small items, like socks. No Cold Feet has some good ideas on how to do this.
Stack your items vertically
Vertical storage is the perfect way to maximize the amount of clothing items your closet can fit. Most closet racks are fitted into the very top of the closet, leaving excess space at the bottom. By simply moving the rack to the middle of the closet and adding a shelf for clothing items in the newly opened space, you can stop struggling to fit clothes into your storage area. Shoes can be kept at the bottom of the closet along with other items while shirts, jackets, and dresses are stored on hangers. The top shelf can be used for towels, bags, pants, and other items. Scarves can be hung on the wall for ease of access and a decorative touch.
Change with the seasons
Your closet should not be filled with thick fur coats in the middle of June. Keep your closet up to date with the seasons but storing out-of-season clothes in a public storage North Hollywood facility. Jackets and coats can take up a lot of room that could be used for clothes you are actually able to wear comfortably. A storage facility is the best place to keep seasonal items like decorations, furniture, and even clothes. This also keeps you from accidentally grabbing shorts when there’s a raging blizzard going on outside.
Declutter your closet
There is no need to hold onto clothing items that you no longer wear. If clothes are too small, large, or old, think of donating them or selling them at a garage sale. You could free up more space than you thought was available and find yourself with a cleaner closet and space for items you wear on a regular basis.
Your closet does not have to be a battlefield of shoes, pants, shirts, and jackets all competing for adequate space. Use multiple storage types, stack items vertically, clean out your closet seasonally, and get rid of items that are not worn anymore.
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