Losing a loved one is perhaps the hardest thing that we all go through. Whether it is a child, parent, sibling or close friend, it is a tragic situation to be in. If your loved one has been terminally ill for a while, then you can prepare a little for it, but in truth, it will still hit you hard when the time comes. This makes it important to think about how you will deal with their death and try to continue with your own life.
There is no doubt about it – this will be difficult, especially in the early days. It is, however, an important thing to consider. The loved one who has passed on would not want you to be unhappy or miserable for the rest of your life, after all. But how can you go about it?
Effective methods of dealing with grief
One thing that you will find is that grief affects people in different ways. Some people deal with it in a matter-of-fact way to protect themselves, while others are far more emotional about it. The key thing is to deal with it in your own way – this will ultimately mean that the loss of your loved one is something that you can process eventually.
Anyone who is dealing with this kind of situation can make use of the following general tips though:
- Organize a fitting funeral – although you may not feel like it much at the time, organizing a fitting funeral service is worthwhile. It will give you and your whole family the chance to say goodbye properly and begin to seek some kind of closure around the loss. Many people now will opt for a touching cremation service for the flexibility that it offers in terms of the service itself. Legacy Cremation Services show why this is the case with their personal cremation services and gracious, caring staff on hand 24/7 to help out.
- Do not suppress your feelings – although time is a great healer, you may well have lots of different emotions inside for a while after the loss. It is important not to hold these in and let them out in the right way. Cry if you need to, and do not be afraid of feeling sad. Losing a loved one is a devastating experience and allowing yourself to be sad will help you begin to recover. It is also important to not feel bad if you experience other emotions such as anger or even happiness for the time you had together. These are perfectly valid and should not be ignored.
- Talk to others – when it comes to dealing with loss and the emotions around it, talking to others can often help. This will prove a useful way to let out your inner feelings, and the person you talk to may be able to offer useful advice or words to make you feel better. Many people simply talk to another family member or a friend, but you can seek professional counselling if you find this preferable.
- Get creative – a great way to deal with your feelings after your loss is to get creative. Although it may be hard at first, finding creative ways to remember the person who has gone will help eventually. It may be writing a poem about them or putting old photos of you together in a scrapbook to look through in the future. Anything like this will help you to grieve and then be able to start remembering them with happier emotions eventually.
- Take time off if needed – although it is key to try to carry on with your normal life after your loss, take time off work if required. Rushing back into the office when you’re not ready will only hinder the grieving process and stop you from dealing with it properly. Most people who do this only end up having to take time off after a few days anyway! It is much better to take however long you need to so that you are ready for work when you do go back in.
Give yourself time to heal
The death of a loved one is a painful experience that is hard to understand until you go through it. This does not mean that you cannot find advice on how to deal with it though, as the above shows. All the tips we have looked at will help you grieve and begin to come to terms with what has happened. Over time, you will then be able to think of them with fond memories rather than only sadness.