There are three kinds of people in the world—those who geek out on car parts, those who have learned it is possible to change your own tire, and those who shudder at the very mention of anything automobile. Regardless which of these categories makes you go, “That’s me!” you can benefit from upping the ante on your car part knowledge.
Imagine the scene. You’re driving on the highway when you hear a rattle. Without warning, your car comes to a complete standstill. What do you do? Crawl up into a ball of immobility hoping that the gods will save you, or get to work trying to decipher what may be wrong?
Of course, the most empowering answer is to see what you can do about diagnosing the problem. Even if you are not looking to ever attempt to do the repairs yourself, being able to describe the problem to a professional will ensure three things:
- That you get the right kind of help as quickly as possible
- That you don’t get taken for a ride (terrible pun, we know) by predatory mechanics who take advantage of your lack of knowledge
- That you feel a little superior when you are able to tout out terminology while others simply gawk at your intellectual prowess.
Now, there’s a fair chance that we’re preaching to the converted here. If you feel like your car part sagacity is beyond compare, you may just be ready to test drive your skills by taking this car parts quiz. Let us know how you do. It may just challenge you a little more than you think.
If, on the other hand, you would rather brush up on your skills before launching into test time, we’ll give you a crash course (again, apologies for the unsettling car puns.) We’re about to share with you the most important car parts you need to know so that you can begin your journey to becoming a car parts aficionado.
6 Important Car Parts Everyone Should Know
Educate yourself on these five car parts and you will be well on your way to a better comprehension of the vehicle that gets you from A to B:
#1 Axles
Remember that song The Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round? We hate to break it to you, but without axles, this would never have been possible. Axles are the mechanisms that literally keep you moving.
Okay. Now that you know what keeps things turning, let’s look at what causes you to stop:
#2 Brakes
The idea of being on a runaway train is the stuff of nightmares. Not being able to control how you stop your vehicle is perhaps one of the most frightening possibilities for a driver. The only thing worse than having a car that doesn’t want to go is having a car that doesn’t want to stop. So what does this mean for you as a car owner? You need to ensure that your brakes are always in good working order. This is not negotiable. If they start to squeak or feel as if they are not operating at full capacity, get them checked as soon as you can.
#3 Transmission
Without your car’s transmission system, the energy generated by your engine would remain pure potential—and we all know that there is nothing worse than wasted potential. Thanks to your automobile’s transmission, your car will “transmit” what is generated in the engine to the wheels and get you moving in no time.
#4 Battery
You may have already fallen prey to the unfortunate event of having a flat battery. Whether this was a result of you having left your car light on for too long, or you simply had a battery too old to be in operation, you probably learned quickly that a battery that no longer has the juice to work will keep you stationary. How can you make sure this doesn’t happen? Make it your responsibility to replace your battery often enough and, as much as possible, avoid unnecessary battery drainage.
#5 Fan
Ever wanted your own personal fan? Well now you have one—in your car. The engine fan is responsible for keeping the air circulating. It’s hot in there. The last thing you want is for your car parts to feel like they can’t take the heat and must get out of the engine. For the smooth running of your vehicle, ensure that the engine fan, and the belt that connects it to other engine parts, are all in good working order.
#6 Shock Absorbers
Unless you want your journeys to feel like bumpy amusement park rides, it’s important that you check your shock absorbers. This car part is at the heart of smooth sailing. If you feel as though there is more drama in your ride than there should be, have these checked as soon as possible.
#7 Spare Tire
Of course, all tires are important, but you will only really know the worth of your spare one when you are in need of it. Having a puncture or a blow out can leave you stranded if not for that little trunk-bound helper, lying there just waiting to assist.
Safe travels!
Now that you are more savvy about the components that make up your trusty vehicle, it may be time for you to give that car parts quiz a try. What have you got to lose—except your car part ignorance?
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