The Christian faith is one that has been interpreted in a multitude of ways over the thousands of years it has been around. For some it allows them to practice their hatred while feeling justified, but for those who truly love Jesus and follow his teaching that is not acceptable. For those who follow the teachings of Our Savior, helping others and loving them unconditionally is the way to go.
Unfortunately, many jobs today don’t help you follow your faith. Though they are not necessarily against your faith, they don’t allow you to really embrace your calling. Desk jobs, part-time jobs – they help a company without really giving back and helping others. If anything, they are only helping a greedy CEO gain more money.
That is why all Christians need to find new ways to embrace their face and practice what they preach. This doesn’t mean you have to become a preacher or work for a Christian charity. There are many positions around the world that help you do good for the world. Rather than teaching others about the Christian faith, which is becoming increasingly difficult to do, it’s time to show the world the actions of a good Christian.
Helping others and showing unconditional love and forgiveness will do more for the world than preaching. Rather than leaving others with words, you will leave them with actions. You will directly help and benefit their lives no matter what their religion is, because that is what the Christian faith is all about.
To help you embrace your faith and give back to this world, consider getting into these top careers today:
A Medical Career
When people turn to doctors and to hospitals, they are at their worst. They are scared, in pain, and in some cases dying. Doctors help heal them in so many ways, but it is the nurses that give the support and comfort that really help patients go through. Like Mother Theresa, nurses offer a spiritual connection to their patients all while helping treatments go smoothly.
The Hurdles
The difficulty with getting involved in this career, of course, is the degree requirements. If can be difficult to switch into this career, but thankfully due to human innovation and progress, it is now more achievable than ever before.
The Answer
Thankfully you can continue working your current job and get the degree you need to start or further your nursing or medical degree. All you need to do is select which nurse practitioner online degree is most relevant to you, and then start working on it. It will take some time and effort to get into the habit of full-time work and managing a degree, but just focus on creating a regular routine. You can take on your online degree on a part-time capacity if necessary, just so long as you consistently work on your degree every day for at least an hour or two.
A Nurse
Nurses are the lifeblood of the hospital. They may not give the diagnoses, nor are they in charge of surgeries, but they are there to support the doctors and the patients alike. They are the ones that care for patients, the ones that are there to help ease their pain and help them heal.
The best part is that you are making a direct and immediate improvement on their lives. Even if there is nothing that can be done and you lose a patient, your hard work will help them spend the last few moments of their life in as much care as possible. You are also there to help the families.
A Caregiver
Whether you help those with lifelong disabilities or are working in an end-of-life facility or hospice, you will be doing such a service to those who need it most. These carers help support others, provide comfort to them, and can be a true light in their last days.
With medical practice, you can do a lot of good in disadvantaged areas. Rather than set up a clinic and provide services, however, you should aim to teach these communities modern medicine so that they can improve upon their own knowledge. Don’t go in assuming they don’t know anything. Instead, teach them how to use modern tools that they might not have access to before and how they can use their knowledge better to treat and care for their community.
You cannot be there forever, but by passing on the torch, you can help strengthen a community and help it be independent.
An Environmental Career
If you want to help the poor and downtrodden the best and most effective way is to work on projects and with companies that aim to improve the environmental conditions in the world. Many will focus on developing nations or what is now referred to as the “global south.”
It is estimated that 7 million people die from air pollution alone every year, with those in poor nations and poor communities having the highest mortality rate. Then there are issues of polluted runoffs poisoning the poor, all because corporate greed got in the way.
There are so many different positions, and as the world wakes up to the climate crisis, we are in more job opportunities are opening up. You don’t need a degree for this job, and can instead support a cause you care about that is trying to help heal entire communities in ways that missionaries have never done.
Environmental Development
If you are a sociologist, engineer, or work within city planning start to read up and specialize in what is known as “green development.” Examples include vertical city gardens and planning green spaces and how light interacts in cities.
Policy Makers and Enforcers
Work for political parties in any way you can who aim to protect the earth and bring the global community together to finally create solutions. Anyone can get involved with their local green party, so contact them today to see what you can do to help them promote within your area.
Environmental Marketing
If you currently work within design, marketing, web design, or anything that touches the marketing industry, you can start to promote green initiatives for companies. Do be careful with who you work for or who your clients are, as greenwashing is a real issue.
Work Directly In These Communities
To actually help these communities, you will want to work with the businesses that have found innovative solutions. There are stories of locals who have created a truly innovative means to clean their lakes water, or to deal with plastic waste. By either working for these businesses or working with a company that supports their initiatives, you will be helping make real, lasting change.
With Children
Children are the future, and to really help the future you can find a job within the educational industry or as a supportive member in after-school and youth communities. This can be a truly rewarding endeavor as you know your hard work will be making a difference directly in the way the children see the world.
As a Foster Parent
There are many disadvantaged children in the system. It is due to how broken the foster system is that many have an issue with the pro-life movement. You cannot advocate for anti-abortion practices and then ignore the children that are here. If more mothers know that their child will be taken care of and will lead a healthy, happy life they will be more willing to bring their children to term and more babies will be saved, both at the moment of their birth and as they grow up. As it is, the babies that are born without support and are put into the adoption or foster system are almost guaranteed to have a poor quality life.
By becoming a foster parent that doesn’t give up on “problem” children the first time they misbehave, you can really help. Show them the unconditional love that Jesus preached, and teach them his values by showing, rather than telling. You can drastically change their lives and give them a shot at a beautiful, loving future.
As a Local Community Leader for Youth
If you don’t want to foster or cannot, you can instead work for a local organization that aims to help children improve their skills or gives them a safe space to be. You could work for your local YMCA, or ask your employer about starting and running a youth outreach. It will be great for their tax returns, their reputation, and their standing in the community. You can then get paid to help youth in your area in many ways.
As a Volunteer
You can volunteer to either lead or support initiatives that are created by schools and other organizations. These children are the future.
There are so many practical careers you can get involved in that will either pay well or help others in your community or around the world.