If you’ve been looking for the right Nicotine Replacement Therapy techniques to help you quit smoking, know that vaping is one of the most effective solutions. According to the results of a study conducted by EurekAlert, given a choice smoking vs. vaping, not only is vaping 95% less harmful, but has also helped die-hard nicotine addicts kick the habit completely.
Dr Caitlin Notley headed the research at the UEA’s Norwich Medical School. She said, “We found that vaping may support long-term smoking abstinence. Not only does it substitute many of the physical, psychological, social and cultural elements of cigarette smoking, but it is pleasurable in its own right, as well as convenient and cheaper than smoking.”
Dr Notley goes on to add, “Our study group also felt better in themselves – they noticed better respiratory function, taste and smell. But the really interesting thing we found was that vaping may also encourage people who don’t even want to stop smoking, to eventually quit.”
Understanding Why Vaping is 95% Less Harmful
In case you’ve watched people vaping, you’ll note that it seems quite similar to regular smoking. The main difference could be the acrid odor. When comparing smoking vs. vaping, with the latter you’ll only sense a pleasant odor that reminds of fruits, flowers, and various other aromas that are not really offensive to non-smokers present nearby. To understand why conventional cigarettes are a lot more harmful than vaping with devices containing a Steam engine coil, you may want to explore how the mechanisms of the two activities work.
The Smoking Mechanism
Like this feature on the National Institute on Drug Abuse explains, each time you light up and smoke a cigarette, you will be absorbing between 1mg and 2mg of nicotine. The drug is released by the combustion of tobacco and more than 7,000 chemicals. These additional compounds aside from the tobacco ensure that the stick burns gradually. During the approximately 5 minutes you take to finish a cigarette, you could inhale about 10 puffs. In this time, the nicotine reaches the highest levels in the bloodstream and reaches the brain where it evokes feelings of pleasure and euphoria much like other drugs. In addition, the drug stimulates your adrenal glands so that your blood pressure is raised as is the heart rate and breathing.
The Vaping Mechanism
When you ignite the e-cigarette, you’ll use an electric charge to heat up the Steam engine coil inside the device. The coil heats the e-liquid stored in the tiny tank and vaporizes it. Hence the name, vaping. The smoke that appears from the vaping pod is similar to conventional cigarette except that vaping does not involve the burning of tobacco and other harmful compounds. Vaping heats Vegetable Glycerin and Propylene Glycol, both of which are organic compounds. These liquids produce the vapor that gives you only the sensation of smoking. And, in place of the acrid smoke, you’ll breathe in scents of fruits, flowers, confectionery, candy, and other fun combinations.
Should you compare smoking vs. vaping, you’ll note that both devices do release some amount of nicotine, but with vaping, you can choose the amount you inhale by controlling the strength of the nicotine in the e-liquids added to the vaping pod.
Effects of Vaping on Your Body
Before talking about the effects of smoking vs. vaping on your body, it is important to understand that vaping with the Steam engine coil is not just a Nicotine Replacement Therapy technique. Many vapers also use it as a recreation form – the critical factor being the nicotine content.
If you’re considering taking up vaping to quit smoking, you’ll choose e-liquids that match the number of cigarettes you smoke in a day. In this way, you can compensate for the nicotine withdrawal symptoms and remain comfortable as you try to quit. For instance, if you’re in the habit of smoking one or two packs a day, you may want to opt for e-liquids that have higher nicotine content like 16mg. However, if you’ve been a light smoker making do with about half a pack a day, the 6mg to 12mg e-liquids would be perfect for you.
As you continue with vaping using the Steam engine coil, you can make the shift to lower levels of nicotine until you’re comfortable with the 0mg drug content. Soon, you should have kicked the addiction entirely. But, like this article on the John Hopkins Medicine magazine warns, as long as your e-liquids contain nicotine, you do run the risk of developing complications like a raised blood pressure, higher adrenalin levels, and an increased heart rate. It is also advisable to use vaping only as a means of phasing out your smoking dependence. That’s because the nicotine content in vaping liquids can also be addictive.
In conclusion, when trying to quit smoking vs. vaping, easing out your addiction to nicotine and replacing it with a safer alternative is a smart choice.
Smoking vs. Vaping – Conventional Cigarettes Contain Harmful Chemicals
As the folks at the Cancer Research UK tell you, conventional cigarettes contain a range of chemicals that can harm your body. For instance, the chemical benzo(a)pyrene damages the DNA that protect your body from cancer. The chromium content helps toxic chemicals attach with your DNA and raises your risk of cancer. Further, other compounds in cigarettes damage your body’s waste disposal systems so they can no longer cleanse your tissues of toxins. The steady accumulation of these poisons makes your body vulnerable to the effects of other pathogens and diseases by weakening your immune system.
In contrast, vaping with devices containing the Steam engine coil will not introduce such chemicals into your bloodstream and over time, as you phase out the nicotine content, you will be left with a recreation option that you can enjoy safely without worrying about getting addicted.
So, go ahead and try vaping as a Nicotine Replacement Therapy option. Give up smoking and turn it into a safe, fun option that allows you to make the choice whether or not to go for it. Kick the habit and get back control of your life.