Have you taken out a loan with Bamboo which left you unhappy? While guarantor loans have helped many manage short-term money worries, they have also caused problems for a lot of people. In many cases, guarantor loans shouldn’t have been issued, and this might be the case with you.
If you would like to raise a claim against Bamboo, but you are worried about the process being challenging and lengthy, think again. There are steps you can take to minimise the time and effort involved with claiming a loan refund, and these steps can enhance the process.
Here are four easy rules for success with your Bamboo loan refund:
- Check if you were provided with valid information when arranging the loan
- Check your guarantor was provided with valid information when agreeing to be the guarantor for the loan
- Review whether you were able to repay the loan
- Get help from professionals when making your refund claim against Bamboo
If you follow these four steps, you enhance your chances of success, allowing you to take greater control of your finances.
Check if you were provided with valid information when arranging the loan
In many cases, a lender failed to provide the borrower with sufficient information or guidance regarding the loan. This doesn’t happen in every case, and in most cases, Bamboo will provide borrowers with everything they need.
However, if Bamboo failed to provide you with clarity on charges, payment dates and overall cost, you might be in a position to claim a refund.
Check your guarantor was provided with valid information when agreeing to be the guarantor for the loan
When it comes to guarantor loans, lenders don’t just have a duty care of to the borrower; they must also provide the guarantor with information and guidance. If a guarantor feels the information, they received regarding payment amounts, dates and total cost of the loan was lacking, there might be an argument to claim a refund.
Review whether you were able to repay the loan
Just because a loan has been issued doesn’t mean it is right for the borrower. Anyone who has found themselves unable to repay the loan, or that repaying the loan hampers their ability to pay other bills should consider claiming against their lender.
Get help from professionals when making your refund claim against Bamboo
You don’t need to seek assistance when raising a complaint against Bamboo. It is acceptable for you to contact the lender directly and raise your claim with them. You can also contact the FCA and the FOS if you didn’t receive the outcome you hoped for.
However, if you want to enhance your chance of success when raising a claim against Bamboo, it makes sense to turn to experts for help.
You are not the only borrower who has had cause to claim against a lender, and some organisations have a proven track record of success in assisting borrowers to raise a claim against their lender, such as Bamboo.