Are you interested in some genuine ways to make money? If you do not mind how quickly or frequently you get paid, then here are eight brilliant ways you can earn a tidy sum. They are not really passive income methods, but none of them require constant effort or hard work from yourself in order to make your money.
1 – Get a Part-Time Job
A time-tested method for making extra money is to get a part-time job. Try using a company like to build you a new resume. Since you are not urgently in need of money, you can be a little more choosy as to which companies you apply to. With a little luck and a good resume, you will find a suitable part-time job.
2 – Get Sponsorship for Your Instagram Lifestyle
Instead of working your heart out on a blog or YouTube channel, only to receive ten cents per year, you can try to get sponsorship on Instagram. Do what you can to get genuine Instagram followers, and your profile will start appearing on people’s “Search” page. Companies are always checking out the search pages for influencers that they can pay to promote their stuff. It can become very lucrative if you are popular on Instagram.
3 – Make, Refurbish or Upcycle at Home and Sell on eBay and Etsy
Why not try your hand at sculpting, or making resin figures, or painting concrete ornaments and putting on some weather-resistant sealant to make it weather resistant.
Sounds too labor intensive, then what about upcycling your stuff. Use parts from two ripped leather jackets to design a new jacket or turn your doll house into a bird house. Use fabric paint to reinvigorate your scuffed shoes/sneakers and then sell them.
What about refurbishing stuff? Strip the varnish or paint off of old wooden furniture and repaint or re-varnish it. Fix up an old van, or reupholster some chairs, and then sell them for a profit.
4 – Start Mining Cryptocurrency
Admittedly, this method takes a big up-front investment, and requires a lot of technical knowledge. Nevertheless, it is probably the closest you will ever come to printing your own money. Plus, you are going to read a lot of online articles where people tell you not to mine because it is not profitable, but they are 100% wrong.
It is true that if you mine today and sell your cryptocurrency today, then it will not cover the cost of the electricity you used or the wear and tear on your technology. But, cryptocurrency prices jump up and down like a kangaroo, and in just a few months your small stash of cryptocurrency may be worth a fortune.
5 – Rent Out Anything From Your Lawn Mower to Your Parking Space
Think outside the box because there are many things you could rent out, from your back bedroom to your car. Some people rent out their parking space, and others rent out their tools. There are people who have their own cement mixers, metal drills, and chainsaws that never think of renting them out even though there are probably people down their very street would need one.
6 – Grow Things That You Can Sell
This idea is not as dumb as it sounds. For example, germinating fruit trees is often hard because there are all sorts of tricks, like putting them in the fridge for two months in a moist rag. If you can germinate fruit trees and grow them above two inches tall, then people will buy them off you on eBay and from online classified adverts. Plus, at those sizes, you can risk posting them and hopefully they will survive.
7 – Sell Your Photos
There are plenty of places where you can sell your high quality images. If you can create brilliant high resolution images, then try ShutterStock. If you do not make the grade, then try less-picky photo marketplaces.
8 – Become an Uber or Lyft Driver
Wait a minute, the introduction said that these are money-making ideas that do not require hard work, but isn’t taxiing people around the country also known as hard work? Being a ride-share driver is not hard work for two reasons. Firstly, you are not obliged to take people on trips, you see notifications and then you opt-in if you wish to do it. Secondly, it is no different to driving your friends and family around town except that you get paid at the end.
BIO: Ava Williams is a career development specialist. She is interested in traveling, online learning and courses, and the job industry. Ava enjoys writing on education, career, and blogging tendencies. Find out more about Ava’s work by visiting her career blog. You can also follow her on Twitter and LinkedIn.