Cannabis investment opportunities abound in the U.S. economy currently as all states are considering at least legalizing medical marijuana. Although marijuana is still illegal at the federal level, there is significant discussion that this condition could end in the very near future. All investors understand that the time to get into an investment opportunity is on the ground floor, and that is still the situation with cannabis investment opportunities for the time being. As a matter of fact, the market could actually explode when and if this happens, which means that now may be the very best time to at least begin following the trends in cannabis investment. Here are a few considerations before developing a personal investment strategy.
Start Small
One of the best characteristics of the current pot investment market is that it does not take a significant amount of money to begin investing. Starting small and working up as the risks are lessened is a great way to begin. As a matter of fact, some of the best marijuana investment opportunities are in penny stocks that allow investors to buy shares in large amounts for literally pennies at a time. Just as with any other investment, the upside of investing is with percentage growth and potential stock splitting, which is typically how major financial growth will happen with marijuana as well when restrictions are eased.
Grow House Investment
While some investors will want to start from scratch and start their own growing operation, others may want to invest in growing facilities that are already established. These investment opportunities also are relatively low-priced investments, and it is a good place to get started for those with idle cash and little knowledge on the growing process. This is especially attractive in states that already have legalized medical marijuana, and the opportunities are basically state-specific because of the current legalization status across the nation. As states modify their marijuana laws and the federal government considers ending national prohibition, this could well be a major growth area of investment.
Dispensary Company Investment
Retail sales companies handling marijuana are also an excellent opportunity for potential investors as more states adjust marijuana laws. These companies are already beginning to show excellent growth in California and Colorado where marijuana is already legal, and they will assuredly serve as investment models for growth opportunities in other states. This is primarily an investment opportunity in the medical marijuana states as of now, but there is an excellent chance that marijuana will be legalized in multiple states by as early as 2020 according to several surveys. As the ground floor spreads across the nation, marijuana investment opportunities will explode in earnest because the entire supply pipeline will need filling. And dispensaries will be in demand in every state opting to legalize cannabis, whether it be medical only or full legalization per the California and Colorado models.
The issue of marijuana legalization has clearly been discussed for the past decade in every legislature in the United States, and now there is even pending legislation in subcommittee in Congress. As time goes on, Americans will oppose legalization in continuing fewer numbers. And it is not necessary to approve of marijuana use in order to profit handsomely from marijuana holdings. It is one of the few investment products that has little downside.