There are two major types of cards that you can use in the world today: there is the credit card and the debit card. The credit card is a sort of card that allows you to spend the money that you don’t have at the moment. Normally, you would have a credit limit implying that once you empty your account, you would be able to continue spending and have a negative balance till you reach the credit limit. Whenever money enters your account that is more than your negative balance, your account will come back to the positive. To encourage people to use it, most of the companies that give credit cards allow you to spend the money without any interest until a particular date, probably a month after your account entered into negative. If by then, you are yet to settle the negative, they would now start to charge you interest. On the other hand, a debit card allows you to spend only the money that you have. In some cases, you might even have to leave a minimum balance on your debit MasterCard.
You can only get a credit card when you have a good credit score or when you do not abuse the credit card. If you continue to leave your account in negative for months with interest accruing and you are not making any effort to pay back, your credit score might begin to go down. It might get to a point where you would not be able to get a credit card because of a low credit score. No company would trust you enough to give you a credit card since they are scared you could use it to your negative credit limit and then find it difficult to pay back. If you ever get to this point, then you can consider applying for a debit card.
Since you can only spend the money on a debit card when you have money in it, your credit score will not be considered before you can get an account with a debit card. There are many banks that you could register with that would allow you to open a free account and issue you a debit card. Some of the companies that provide you with a free debit MasterCard include N26, Trnasferwise and Mistertango among others.
All you will just need to do is choose a preferred company from the list and open an account with them. Once you open the account, you would be able to fund the account and you would be able to start spending. This would give you access to a card that you can use for local and international transactions while you try to fix your credit score if you want to get a credit card. However, irrespective of if you have a good credit score or not, having a debit card instead of a credit card can always be more favourable for you. This is considering you would only spend what you want and you would not be tempted to accrue debts that might be challenging to pay back just because you can get it without any extra process on your part.