This time of technology has given us so many advantages to receive from. Online shopping is one of them. If you are too busy and don’t have time to go outside to shop then don’t worry because all you have to do is click a few tabs and have patience for a few days and your order is delivered to you at your doorstep. As there are benefits, there are disadvantages too, and everyone has to be aware to not fall for any scam or fraud online. So here are some tips to tack care of while you do shopping online so that your details and money both are equally safe.
Only Shop from Secure Websites
Yeah, you read it correctly. Safety means the most while purchasing online. Almost every order needs an online payment for the product you shop. Always check for the security layer before completing any transaction online. Never shop anything using your card information from a site which doesn’t have Secure Socket Layer (SSL) certificates installed. You can check of the portal has SSL if it’s starts with HTTPS:// as a replacement of HTTP://. You can also see a green lock sign before the URL or at the bottom of your browser. Also, ignore sharing your card information using third party unsecured email or forms.
Read the Firm’s Privacy Policy
This one is completely needed. You may feel it boring or tiring or also think why to read this whole policy, then let me tell you, reading the privacy policy provide you a basic idea on how the details you give to the site is saved by that organization. Fitfully they may even pass on your details to a 3rd party source, and for that you need to read the policy. Most of the largest websites will have an understand page and a simple to access on their privacy policies.
Read Reviews before Shopping Online
Sometime, reading the review related to the site or a product will be a great help, as it comes from real-time customers. By checking reviews, you can ignore possible wrong selections. It will also display you which are the perfect items available in the market according to your choice.
Don’t Shop if it Looks Too Good to be True
Most of the times, you see the one dress worn by celebs on the site which you can’t avoid and want to shop. Be more careful here as the item may not be as it displayed. “Too good to be true” stage does literally make sense. It might not at all be like the displayed on the website or not be of your fitting. It would be a major loss for you. So, think more before shopping if it’s looking like a risk.
Ignore Public Networks while Shopping Online
Public network never guarantees security and privacy for your log in details. Your information like card details and passwords can be hacked if the network is under risk by any unethical means. Be assured that the network you are using is safe and of possible use the private network only and make sure to block your Wi-Fi network. Never use open Wi-Fi network to make any payment.
Compare Price & Discount while Shopping Online
The perfect thing about online shopping is that you can find many Coupons and Offers. These offers and deals will change time to time according on the festivals and season. For e.g, you can find many offers at occasion time and you can use the immense discount at EOS (End of Season) sale too. Before shopping anything online, be assured you compare it’s offers and price related to items at another online website as well.
Secure Login Information
Always keep strong password mixture (Alphanumeric with Upper and Lower Mixture and Characters) while sign up on any website. Be assure your password is reachable to only you. Also, save your card information only on trusted sites to ignore extra charges. Never forget to check your transaction list and email frequently to ignore any extra or fake charges.
These were the things to keep in your mind before you shop online. Online shopping comes with pros and cons too. But, this can be actually beneficial if you take care of above mentioned easy steps.