Nowadays, plagiarism has become a big concern for writers as well as researchers. It means to copy other people’s hard work or to steal someone else’s idea. Though sometimes, people can be unaware of the plagiarism they’re doing. It’s called accidental plagiarism.
Researchers Do A Thorough Research Before Writing A Unique Thesis Paper
Paperwork is essential in any research. Researchers have to write lots of thesis regarding their work. That’s why some of them try to copy each other’s paper for better results. Luckily there are specific research paper plagiarism checkers available that help academicians to protect their original writing.
Plagiarism checker works in specific ways. It follows some processes to avoid plagiarizing content. Those steps are mentioned below:
- At first, it identifies the text elements of the user’s file.
- The tool can also detect the difference between fonts. For example, if a researcher has copied his fellow researcher’s work and used a different font, then the plagiarism checker would quickly find out about the theft.
- If the researcher tries to act smart and break the sentences of the stolen paper in various other smaller parts, s/he cannot get away with this. The tool is advanced enough to detect that also.
- The plagiarism checker works as a highlighter. It highlights the plagiarized area in the paper so that research scholars easily understand what part of the paper is original and what part is plagiarized.
Advantages of using research paper plagiarism checker:
People from the academic background can enjoy the various perks of plagiarism checkers. It is absolutely free and very beneficial to them.
1) Researchers can get unlimited access to this tool to check their research papers and thesis and to make sure they stay original. However, not all tools are free tools some are paid ones that have more improved and sophisticated features.
2) Papers checked by plagiarism checker can be quickly submitted to their respective submission option as there is no more possibility left for forgery.
Maintain Originality Of A Content With The Help Of A Plagiarism Checker
3) One of the best things about these checkers is that it can do plagiarism detection in many different languages including English. That’s why French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, and other vernacular language researchers can also use this tool.
4) Popular formats like PDF files are accepted in a research paper plagiarism checker.
5) It can find the plagiarized content of varied texts, be it resume, research paper, and content for any website.
Using the technique of research paper plagiarism tracker:
The best thing about this tracker is that not only it’s free of cost; it’s also straightforward to use. To plagiarism checker work, the user has to follow some straightforward steps. These are as follows:
- At first, researchers need to copy and paste their writing into a particular place or drag and put the whole paper. They need to check the word limit because only 19900 characters are allowed to check at a time. If the paper is more than that, then they have to check it in parts.
- The text type also needs to be chosen for review.
- Click on the option ‘‘check my essay’’ and wait for a minimum of 30 seconds to process all checks by the search engine.
- Although checking isn’t necessary after using a plagiarism checker, yet researchers should check the paper at least once and, if needed, change things in the final version.
How to protect research content from plagiarism:
With the increasing numbers of cases of plagiarism, it has become tough to protect one’s original work from stealing. Research scholars can take some precautions to prevent plagiarism. Those are mentioned below:
- Use original and unique ideas: People usually go for common words, phrases, and ideas while writing papers. That’s why there’s a big chance of unintentional plagiarism. Hence using unique and original things can decrease the chances of that.
- Using quotes and citations: Researchers need to use quotation marks to show that they are using that text from another person’s paper. They can’t change the lines. It has to write the same way the previous person did. They need to use a proper citation.
- Take permission from the copyright owner: The main problem arises when a researcher uses his fellow researcher’s content in his paper without telling him. In that case, the copyright owner has the right to sue the plagiarized version of his original work.
Taking Any Text Without Permission Is Both A Legal And Moral Offense
That’s why before using other’s work, researchers need to take permission or mention their name in his paper to avoid plagiarizing his work.
- Use protection to secure original content: All the researchers and academicians should use plagiarism detecting software and various types of web pages. These things are beneficial for preventing plagiarism.
- Check papers by using plagiarism checker: Researchers need to make sure that they are using a good quality plagiarism checker. Some of the online free checking tools are not very reliable. In that case, the purpose of using checkers is not fulfilled. So before using the academicians, need to know if it’s a good research paper plagiarism checker or not.
People should run the whole paper through the plagiarism detector. The sensors in the plagiarism tools can sense if there’s any online plagiarism has occurred. That’s how the work doesn’t get published without them knowing.
- Report plagiarism: Unfortunately, the research paper gets plagiarized even after using all the precautions. In that case, the researcher needs to send a plagiarism report to the cybercrime department. They can take care of the rest.
Though most of the time, the culprit is charged with big fat beautiful, sometimes the person who has done the potential plagiarism has made an enormous blunder can also go behind bars.
No one in their right mind would want to be called a thief. That’s why academicians should encourage each other to write original content for their paper. They can reach out to each other for help but to copy each other’s work without their permission won’t do any good shortly.
There are many articles, books, and research papers available both online and offline from which they can get the help they need. But their presentation needs to be unique as well as genuine. So, write unique research papers, plagiarism checkers, and other resources can help you a lot.