Travelling is an art, and there is no doubt about it. There are many ways we can choose nowadays, to travel and discover new places, and we bring back home the same variety of experiences and emotions that we live on trips, wanting to share them with our closest friends.
But, the same destination can mean something very different depending on how you approach your trip. So, here are some tips on how to get the most out of your trip so that it becomes something very special and hard to forget.
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With no more delay, let’s dive deep into the tips and tricks to make a trip a memorable one:
1. Choose quality over quantity
When we say quality, we are not referring to luxury hotels, but the quality of places and experiences.
Often when we plan a trip, we make the mistake of wanting to see too many places in a very short time. After all, we have 20 days of vacation, and we want to make the most of them and not miss anything, but the consequences of bad planning do not usually wait.
The burden of being loaded all the time from one place to another, the rush, fatigue, and especially the feeling of not getting to know thoroughly, any of the places visited, or the people who live there, They make a dent on our experience, and only feed to our delusion that we experienced something completely.
This recipe, classic of many travel agencies, with organized express trips of 15 days or less, to see the most representative of a country is perhaps the most widespread of the market, and it’s one of the great problems of our time, the lack of time, which affects us in all areas of our life, and holidays are no exception.
It is undoubtedly also one of the differences between the tourist, and the traveller, since the latter, as far as possible, takes minimum time in each place, and often avoids the tourist-filled places, almost like cats do with water.
Maybe you go back home with your backpack full of photos, but make sure that you bring it full of unforgettable experiences, and for that, travelling with time, and not in a hurry, is fundamental. So if you have little time, choose a few places and try to spend as much as you can in them.
Many times, less is more, and normally it is better to visit a few places, than many in a hurry.
2. Plan before starting
We love to leave as much as possible to chance and adventure, but we always plan a minimum before leaving, we make a provisional itinerary that suits our tastes and needs, we prioritise what we like most, and then we modify it to our whim if necessary.
Planning before leaving, will often save us time and headaches, especially on shorter trips where time is less.
Image by rawpixel from Pixabay
3. Disconnect from internet
Whether you want to get Air Canada flight information or looking for best Instagram spots in Miami, the internet is your friend. But, this is ‘before the trip’ part. The internet should not fill the time during our trip.
Virtual life has become an essential part of our life, for some, even for the most part. Without realising it, we spend many hours every day connected to the network but disconnected from the places and people where we physically are.
Seeing a group of people sharing a table, but each one focused on their phone and not talking to each other has become a common image today.
At first, it can be unpleasant, and you will probably feel the need to connect as soon as you can to the network and share your experiences with your family or your social networks. It’s part of detoxification, but as time goes by, you’ll get used to using the Internet only once in a while.
Disconnecting from the Internet is undoubtedly one of the best things we can do to enjoy our trip more. It will force you to be centred and present at the moment you are living; it will help you to interact more with your surroundings, to ask directions, to share experiences and, above all, to get by without looking at the phone at all times.
4. Interact with other travellers
It is one of the most important and special sources of information and experiences of a trip.
When we travel, especially when we do it as a couple or as a group, we tend to form closed circles, unless we are so open to strangers, and we miss the great opportunity to deal with the rest of the travellers we have around.
It is important always to try to interact with new people. Likely, they have already gone through the places we have planned to go, or know others we have not heard of, and can give us new ideas of where to go, what to do, where to sleep and other information that will be tremendously useful.
That if you look at your idea of travel, is similar to yours, if you do not want to end up in places that are a waste of time, as in everything, the perceptions are subjective.
But the most important thing to share with other travellers is not the information, but the stories. Think that just like you, each of those people around you, has brought something different there, it is fascinating to know the history behind those people, and be part of it, even for a short time.
5. Relate with local people
Image by Peter Colgan from Pixabay
Yes, we know, we have been there and we know how difficult it can be to try to communicate with local people when they do not speak your language, and often you feel that you really do not understand what they want to convey, but with a little imagination and gestures, you can do a lot.
Many times it is not even necessary to talk, to share a landscape, a silence, a look is more than enough to have a memorable moment. You can utilise a translation app.
And of all of them, maybe the music is the most special. There is nothing that communicates more than the universal language of music. If you play an instrument, in a short time all the people around you will approach you to listen to you, some will even join you, creating an improvised concert of the most varied that you have ever seen.
6. Get out of the popular route
However remote it may be, every country has an established route, which is what most travellers choose. It is there for some reason, and often includes the most representative sites, which appear in travel guides and for which many others before you have passed.
One of the best experiences that you can sometimes have is to get out of the usual way, change your route a couple of days, to go to places where nobody goes, it’s usually a good decision, because that’s where you’ll find more authentic experience which is close to the reality of the country.
Getting out of the usual route will take you to places where very few have passed, and in which you will probably be the only foreigner, which will make the local population surprised to see you and wonder what you are doing there. You will be often welcomed as if you were a famous person, where everyone will want to take pictures with you and entertain you with all kinds of meals and questions.
7. Learn a little local language
Travelling is always much easier if you learn a few words in the local language. People will like to see how you have taken some time, patience and effort to learn to communicate with them in their language, and we can assure you that they will reward you.
Ask the basic words and practice them. It seems like a problem, but it can become a very fun time, and that will certainly provoke the laughter of people listening to you try to pronounce the sounds that are unpronounceable to you, which is something so simple and routine for them.
8. Be an observer, not a judge
The comparisons are hateful. Each Country, each village has its own customs, and often different or contrary to ours. Sometimes, we can find them even unpleasant.
A big mistake that we often make is to constantly compare what we see, with what we are used to, and we become judges of what is right or wrong according to our values and points of view.
Always try to maintain a positive mentality with the culture of the places you visit. However strange it may seem, there is sure to be something good and interesting that you can learn and get out of it.
9. Hire a local guide
We know that this can mean an increase in the budget for your trip, but you will be glad to have them.
They are, without a doubt, a very good way to know the reality of many places. They have grown and lived there all or most of their lives and know as anyone else the history, customs and stories and the other ins and outs, which otherwise would go unnoticed.
Look for recommendations on the Internet or among other travellers, and remember that you usually get experiences according to what you pay. Sometimes it is worth paying a little more for something, rather than spending several hours wondering if you have wasted money.
10 Get travel insurance
One of the best decisions you can make before starting any trip, especially if it is outside your continent, is to take a good insurance plan, which will give you the necessary peace of mind so that you can dedicate yourself entirely to enjoy the trip.
Look carefully at the coverages, what they include and what they do not, and especially if you have to pay for the services in advance or not. It is very common that before an incident, the insurances make you pay the expenses, to then repay them by presenting the bills. This entails paperwork, and of course, getting your money back. But if you do not have enough in your pocket, it can become a real headache.