More and more Indians have been travelling abroad, signifying a paradigm shift in the lifestyle in the country. Travelling overseas is commonplace; a majority on vacation exploring hitherto unfamiliar lands. There is also a large chunk travelling abroad on business trips and students for education, and a minuscule section who travel abroad to be with their kith and kin; mostly senior citizens whose children have settled in countries across the world. It has opened up another vista for insurers to promote travel insurance policy as a protection to the travellers from a host of hazards that may emerge unannounced.
The meaning of travel insurance:
It is famously said that when things are to go wrong, it will. It is all the truer when you are travelling in an alien land, sans support when things go awry, and you do not know where to look. A travel insurance coverage is just the shield that protects you from unforeseen travel-related emergencies which could be as wide as a sudden health scare, an accident, fight delay or cancellations, lost baggage or even loss of your travel documents. Owning a traveller’s insurance is just the comforting document you need to instal an element of confidence and remove your vulnerability in unfamiliar territory.
The absolute need to buy travel insurance:
Travelling abroad is fraught with risks for reasons more than one. You are in an alien land, little familiar with its geography, culture, laws and culinary habits. All these hazards get compounded into a nightmarish experience if you are not adequately equipped to deal with it. Your travel insurance international extends a helping hand with cover for a host of possibilities and risks which you had not even imagined. It not only neutralises the risk factors but also lets you travel free from worries while safeguarding your best interests.
Common travel related risks:
Travel to exotic destinations in on the rise in harmony with the improving economy and love of the citizens to explore the unknown. Awareness has increased with digital advances making the availability of online travel insurance at the click of a mouse. It is bravado on the part of some that they tend to ignore best travel insurance India has to offer, to their peril. The compulsion to buy travel insurance online need taking a look at all the travel risks that you may face. It is heartening to note that most travel insurance companies offer plans covering these potential hazards.
- Your journey gets delayed or curtailed and sometimes even cancelled.
- Misplacement, theft, delay or loss of baggage.
- Loss or theft of personal effects or travel documents.
- A medical emergency requiring hospitalisation.
- Weather-related disruption of travel plans.
- Missed flight connections.
- Trauma arising by an act of man like a hijack.
- Repatriation of mortal remains or funeral expenses.
Coverage provided by travellers insurance:
One of the common hazards likely to appear during travel is a medical emergency. In extreme cases do weather and acts of men like hijack does mar your plan. Travel medical insurance is an important component of travel insurance. In most countries, drawing Indians for vacation and pleasure trips have expensive healthcare systems that may wipe out your finances in the absence of suitable travel insurance. A typical plan offers the following covers as a means of comfort.
- Country Specific Plans: Many countries have a different set of laws. Matching their requirements is an important component of any travel insurance plan.
- Medical benefits: In some countries, medical insurance is mandatory like Schengen, which is a conglomerate of 26 European countries treated as one. The medical cover includes:
- Emergency hospitalisation, including IPD and OPD treatment.
- Accidental hospitalisation doubles the sum insured.
- Pre-existing diseases are covered subject to limits.
- Non-medical benefits:
- Loss of baggage, passport and other travel documents.
- Flight delay, interruption and cancellation.
- Medical evacuation.
- Personal liability cover.
- Policy Term: The term of the policy covers a trip, which can be as low as one day. Others offer term of specific periods up to 60 days. Additionally, there are Single and Multiple trip plans.
- Single Trip Plan: As the name suggests, it is for single use, but the plan is valid for 365 days.
- Multiple Trip Plan: It is useful if you are a frequent flier. There are typically two valid period plans of 45 and 60 days respectively.
- Business Class Upgrade: Compensates for an upgrade during the return journey if necessitated by medical emergencies.
- Eligibility: Any Indian citizen is entitled to purchase a travel insurance plan.
- Common Carrier Accidental Death: The sum insured is paid in lump-sum in the event of a death in flight.
Check the list for the purchase of international travel insurance online:
The important factors to watch out before committing on any travel insurance plan are vital for its efficacy, or the investment can turn out to be dud.
- Destination: Check if the plan complies with the geographical location of your travel.
- Limit Restrictions: Despite the wide cover, there may be severe sub-limit restrictions, mostly in cheap travel insurance.
- Schengen Approved: It makes sense to ensure as it covers a range of continental countries.
- Exclusions: Sometimes missing the point like the exclusion of adventure sports may leave you in the lurch in emergencies.
Myths to be busted in international travel insurance:
Irrational notions laced with ignorance sometimes leads to skipping the purchase of travel insurance. Busting these myths is to your advantage, leading to being safe rather than sorry.
- Short Trip: It is not the length, but the safety net that is important.
- Airline Cover: It is fraught with restrictive clauses, to be of any use in need.
- Pre Insurance: Often, it inhibits the purchase of travel insurance. Far from it, travel insurance is specific with an extensive travel-related risk cover.
- Cumbersome Claim Process: It is fictional as travel insurance companies offer seamless claim process.
- Similar Plans: Purchasing any plan in sight is unwise. Comparing travel insurance quote and cover online is important.