Probably the hardest piece of composing programming is documenting it. To compose great online documentation, you have to utilize the correct online documentation tools. Attempting to open an entryway with a cutting tool as opposed to utilizing a key would be painful and tedious. Particularly if you don’t generally appreciate the way toward doing it.
ClickHelp is an advanced online documentation tool that permits you to make online client manuals and printed records in different organizations. It is given as a cloud administration, so you don’t have to introduce anything – simply join and get your online documentation portal.
ClickHelp is utilized by programming organizations everywhere throughout the world to make online client manuals, information bases, help documents, FAQs, instructional exercises and distribute them in a split second in their portal.
ClickHelp has all the incredible highlights:
Password ensured online assistance.
Simple importing and exporting
The most famous arrangements like HTML, CHM, PDF, DOCX, DOC, RTF, EPUB, and so on are upheld. In this way, on the off chance that you need to move from another device, you can import your reports and there’s nothing more to it.
Amazing Full-Text Search
ClickHelp has its licensed full-content pursuit that encourages you and your perusers to discover subjects effectively, it likewise underpins trump card, and on the off chance that you need, it’s conceivable to reject explicit themes from full-content list items.
ClickHelp has an inside investigation that will assist you with estimating group execution measurements and examine end-client conduct insights.
• Setting Help motor to add setting help components to your web applications.
• Incredible CSS-based substance styling.
• Simple to utilize WYSIWYG theme manager, just as HTML source mode.
• Dynamic substance support for single-sourcing – bits, factors, restrictive Blocks. You can likewise utilize them in headers and footers.
• Single Sign-On help for Google, Microsoft Azure AD, Salesforce and custom OpenID Connect suppliers
Scientific classifications
You can make hierarchic file catchphrase records for each subject that makes scanning for essential points simpler.
Intelligibility Scores and Metrics
In ClickHelp 30+ measurements are accessible. Because of them, you will compose progressively intelligible and ground-breaking writings.
Light-footed Help Authoring
You can publish or refresh separate themes that you select, there is no compelling reason to republish the entire venture.
Agreeable Navigation Inside User Manuals
It’s anything but difficult to make an agreeable route for your perusers – an auto-refreshing smaller than normal TOC, coasting route, embeddings any route components directly in your themes’ header are largely accessible in ClickHelp.
Reusing content
Reusing subjects through making various TOC hubs for them in a solitary venture or various activities turned out to be considerably simpler with the “Reuse” mode which can be chosen while making another point in TOC. It’s additionally possible to duplicate themes.
Simple code embeddings – only two ticks and your code will be included and featured.
The incredible thing about this tool is single-sourcing, you can keep in touch with one manual, label components that won’t be published, and presto, you have two unique manuals. Along these lines, you don’t have to reorder content again and erase data that shouldn’t be in another rendition of your manual.
Alongside the Google Analytics combination, ClickHelp has its reports, in this way, you can without much of a stretch deal with the creative cycle and break down the peruser details, so this got one of the key variables.
Something else that is client service, they went the additional mile every opportunity to assist you with learning the item and execute it quickly.