Collaborative robots are a touch topic to workers in any industry within an economy. Employers are of the opinion that bringing robots into organizations, is good for productivity, while workers and governments feel that the time is not ripe yet for that to happen.
However, it has been shown time and again that robots are the workers of the future. The fear around the presence of robots in the workplace is based on the premise that robots will come to take away jobs from the workers.
To overcome this problem, Universal Robots created collaborative robots. As the name suggests these are robots that work alongside human workers in the factory. Collaborative robots will help human workers enhance their capacity and improve their productivity rather than take away their jobs.
Factories that have replaced traditional robots with cobots working alongside human workers report on high rates of increased productivity.
Developed and developing countries can take advantage of collaborative robots to enhance the strength of their economy in the current changing economic times.
Listed are several advantages that can be gained by countries for implementing cobot use.
1. Improved product quality
Once programmed for production, collaborative robots do not deviate from these settings. They are highly accurate and precise and as a result produce high quality products. Products that meet the exact specifications they say they meet.
With the increase in quality of their products, countries can export into more countries and gain more customers. In addition, they will easily charge more for their high quality products and gain more and more customers.
Another advantage that producers gain as the product quality improves, is the reduction of waste. Cobot’s accuracy ensures that all product raw materials are efficiently used. This also reduces the presence of defective products in these factories.
2. Lower unemployment levels in the country
When governments encourage factory owners and managers to implement the use of cobots, this is likely to spur employment creation.
First, there will be increased production brought about by the synergies gained from bringing in cobots into the workplace. Factories will therefore need more employees to handle this increased production.
By creating inducements for increased uptake of cobots, governments can lower the unemployment rates in their countries.
3. Scale local organizations
When factories implement the use of collaborative robots, the most likely result is that they will scale. First, cobots are highly affordable even for the numerous medium and small enterprises that run the economy.
Secondly, factories will experience a surge in production and therefore an increase in revenues and profits. This will help them see a quick return on their investment in the collaborative robots.
With more large local organizations, economies are bound to improve and enhance the quality of life in the country.
4. Enhance competitive capacity of the country
With increased production, improved product quality and better prices, local organizations can easily compete in the global economy raising the status of the country as a source of high quality products.
Countries can also easily attract other foreign companies to invest in their companies by having sound manufacturing policy through the increased use of cobots in the economy. This will increase the number of jobs in the economy and help strengthen the economy.
5. Enhance the quality of life in the country
Collaborative robots can easily work for 24 hours without the need for supervision or rest. As a result, employees can have enough time for rest and relaxation. This time can be used by employees to spend the extra money they have been earning with the growth of the economy and their employer.
In addition, at work, certain tasks considered dangerous, dirty and boring can be assigned to robots leaving the human workers to work on high level tasks.
The use of collaborative robots helps boost economies. It is not limited to improving the performance of a single factory that acquires it.
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